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How to add SSO with SAML 2.0 Okta



This guide provides a deep dive into Single-Sign-On (SSO) integration with SAML 2.0 and connect it with Okta as IdP. Unleash also supports other identity providers and protocols; explore all available Single-Sign-On options.

Basic configuration

Step 1: Sign-in to Unleash

In order to configure SSO you will need to log in to the Unleash instance with a user that have "Admin" role. If you are self-hosting Unleash then a default user will be automatically created the first time you start Unleash:

  • username: admin
  • password: unleash4all

Step 2: Navigate to SSO configuration

To configure SSO with SAML in your Unleash enterprise instance, go to Admin > Single sign-on and select SAML 2.0.


Step 3: Create an application in Okta

Open a new tab/window in your browser and sign in to your Okta account. We will need to create a new Application which will hold the settings we need for Unleash.

a) Navigate to “Admin -> Applications” and click the “Add Application” button.

Okta: Add Apps

b) Click “Create New App and choose a new “SAML 2.0” application and click create

Okta: Create Application

c) Configure SAML 2.0

Unleash expects an email to be sent from the SSO provider so make sure Name ID format is set to email. Also you must give the IdP Initiated SSO URL Name, we have chosen to call it “unleash-enterprise”. This gives us the Sign-on URL we will need in our Unleash configuration later.

Additionally, you may provide the following attributes:

  • firstName
  • lastName

(These will be used to enrich the user data in Unleash).

Okta: Configure SAML

Please make sure to replace URLs with the public URL for your Unleash instance. This will require correct region prefix and the instance name. The example above uses region="us" and instance-name="ushosted".

The correct format is: https://[region][instanceName]/auth/saml/callback

d) Get the Okta Setup Instructions

Click the “View Setup Instructions” to get the necessary configuration required for Unleash.

Okta: Setup Instructions

Step 4: Configure SAML 2.0 provider in Unleash

Go back to Unleash Admin Dashboard and navigate to Admin Menu -> Single-Sign-On -> SAML. Fill in the values captured in the "Get the Okta Setup Instructions" step.

You may also choose to “Auto-create users”. This will make Unleash automatically create new users on the fly the first time they sign-in to Unleash with the given SSO provider (JIT). If you decide to automatically create users in Unleash you must also provide a list of valid email domains. You must also decide which root Unleash role they will be assigned (Editor role will be the default).

Unleash: SAML 2.0

Step 5: Validate

You have now successfully configured Unleash to use SAML 2.0 together with Okta as an IdP. Please note that you also must assign users to the application defined in Okta to actually be able to log-in to Unleash.

Try signing out of Unleash. If everything is configured correctly you should be presented with the option to sign in with SAML 2.0.


Available from Unleash Enterprise 4.1.0

You may also configure Unleash to perform Single-Sign-Out. By enabling single-sign-out Unleash will redirect the user back to IdP as part of the sign-out process. You may optionally also sign the sign-out request (required by multiple IdP's such as Okta).

Step 1: Generate private key & public certificate

(This step is only required if you intend to sign the sign-out requests).

Before you can configure single-sign-out support with Okta you are required to generate a Private Key together with a public certificate for that key. We recommend to use SHA256 certificates.

To create a public certificate and private key pair, use the proceeding commands. They work in Linux® and Mac® terminals.

openssl genrsa -out private.pem 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key private.pem -out cert.pem -days 1095

Answer the promoted questions, and when you complete all the steps you should end up with two files:

  • private.pem - Private certificate, required by Unleash in order to sign requests.
  • cert.pem - Public certificate, required by the IdP in order to validate requests from Unleash.

Step 2: Configure sign-out url in Okta

Login in to Okta and navigate to your Applications. Select the "Unleash" application you created, click on "General" and then "Edit SAML Settings".

SAML 2.0 Okta edit

Next, navigate to "Configure SAML" and click "show Advanced Settings" and check the Enable Single Logout option.

SAML 2.0 Okta sign-out config

Please make sure to replace URLs with the public URL for your Unleash instance. This will require correct region prefix and the instance name. The example above uses region="us" and instance-name="ushosted".

The correct format is: https://[region][instanceName]/auth/saml/logout/done

You need to fill out the following options:

  • Single Logout Url: https://[region][instanceName]/auth/saml/logout/done
  • SP Issuer: https://[region][instanceName]

Next upload the public Certificate you generated in the previous step (cert.pem) and save the Okta SAML settings. Upon completion of this step you should be provided with the ability to view setup instructions and now you should be provided with a "Identity Provider Single Logout URL"

SAML 2.0 Okta sign-out url

Step 3: Configure Single-Sign-Out in Unleash

Go back to Unleash Admin Dashboard and navigate to Admin Menu -> Single-Sign-On -> SAML. Fill in the values captured in the "Single Logout URL" from Okta.

In the "Service Provide X.509 Certificate" field you should insert the value of your private key (private-pem). This is required in order to make Unleash able to sign logout requests.

SAML 2.0 Okta sign-out config

After you save these settings users will now be redirected to your IdP (Okta) and back to Unleash again after successfully signing out.

Configuration via Environment variables (Since Unleash Enterprise 6.1.0)

Beware, configuring OIDC through environment variables will disable editing settings in the Administration GUI. If you want to fallback to the GUI, make sure the SAML_ENABLED is not set and then restart Unleash. Your previous environment settings will have been persisted to the database and you can edit there.

Step 1 - Setup required environment variables for SAML (minimal config)

Having SAML configured via environment variables allows you to start Unleash with SAML authentication preconfigured.

You'll need the following variables at the very least

Variable namePurposeRequiredPossible values
SAML_ENABLEDTells unleash that you want to use environment variable configuration and turns on support for SAML loginYestrue / false
SAML_ENTITY_IDThe SAML 2.0 entity IDYesStrings
SAML_SIGNON_URLWhich URL to use for redirecting single sign-on requestsYesValid url
SAML_CERTIFICATE_FILEAn absolute path to read the X509 certificate fromOnly if SAML_CERTIFICATE is not setAbsolute file paths
SAML_CERTIFICATEThe X509 certificate as a stringOnly if SAML_CERTIFICATE_FILE is not setX509 certificate string

Step 2 (optional) - Setup auto-creation of users from email domain

Variable namePurposeRequiredPossible values
SAML_AUTO_CREATETell Unleash to auto create users that sign in through SSONotrue or false (though false is the same as not setting it at all. Defaults to false)
SAML_EMAIL_DOMAINSThese domains will have users auto createdNoComma-separated list of email domains that you want Unleash to accept users from.

Step 3 (optional) - Add sign-out config

If you've read the [documentation for sign out config](link to chapter on sign out) above. You'll still need to create the SSL certificate, you can store it on disk or pass in the contents of private.pem as a string. You'll need the following environment variables

Variable namePurposeRequiredPossible values
SAML_SIGNOUT_URLSingle logout URLNoValid URL from SSO provider
SAML_SIGNOUT_CERTIFICATE_PATHAn absolute path to read the certificate to use to sign logout requestsEither this or SAML_SIGNOUT_CERTIFICATE must be set for Signout to workAbsolute file paths
SAML_SIGNOUT_CERTIFICATEThe private certificate created to sign logout requestsEither this or SAML_SIGNOUT_CERTIFICATE_PATH must be set for SSO signout to workX509 certificate

Step 4 (optional) - Add group syncing

Variable namePurposeRequiredPossible values
SAML_ENABLE_GROUP_SYNCINGTell Unleash to setup group syncing from SAML login requests (defaults to false)Notrue or false
SAML_GROUP_JSON_PATHa json path expression telling where in the response Unleash can find the group membership informationNo